What Is NDAA Compliance? A complete guide

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The world is constantly pondering upon methods to reduce digital intrusions and espionage attempts. Especially, when the other country is in competition in economic, technical and defence fields. The National Defence Authorization Act, NDAA, lays out stringent regulations and orders that are to be complied with by both public and private entities. Specific guidelines are issued every year, in addition to amendments to extant policies.

The John S McCain’s NDAA for fiscal 2019 stipulates usage of telecommunication, reconnaissance and video surveillance devices and services. Section 889 of the subject act titled ‘Other Matters’ lists out the companies, whose equipment are not authorized to be used in the US. You may not get approval if your video and surveillance equipment and accessories consist of components from the subject companies.

How to Confirm Whether the Device is NDAA Compliant or Not?

It may turn into a challenging task to ascertain the manufacturer of every major and minor component. Imagine the complications involved in checking the components at zero level. You may have to dismantle the electronic surveillance and telecommunication equipment to ascertain the manufacturers. Even though the associated documents will carry details about each component, how much can you rely on the papers?

  •  Procure the telecommunication and video surveillance systems from a reliable and trusted manufacturer or distributor only. This not only eliminates the requirement for a detailed inspection but also confirms that you are using approved devices only.
  • Inspect the documents and markings on the components to assess the original equipment manufacturer. A team may be employed on the task to rule out the possibilities of using banned equipment.
  • Minor components installed inside will also have to be checked thoroughly. This is of paramount importance in the case of the chipset. The NDAA prevents the usage of chipsets from some of the global leaders in chip manufacturing.

The Companies Prohibited Under NDAA

A prominent fact to note is that the banned companies are from China, normally marked as Made in PRC (People’s Republic of China). The surveillance and telecommunication equipment, internal components and chipsets from the following entities are prohibited from use in the US.

  • Huawei Technologies
  •  ZTE Corporation
  • Hytera Communications Corporation
  • Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology
  • Dahua Technology

What Makes the NDAA Compliance More Complex?

The extensive reach the Chinese companies achieved over the years is what causes confusion and complications. Their wider presence across the US and higher acceptance than products from any other manufacturer are reasons that make the decision by Congress worrisome.

The leading security systems and surveillance equipment manufacturers in US, Hikvision, Hytera and Dahua have a lion share in the market. The products from the brands are renowned for exemplary quality at phenomenally low prices. An important fact to note is that all the surveillance and telecommunication devices from these companies are prohibited from use in the country.

Therefore, there is no need for examining the internal components or chipsets. Even if the associated components are NDDA compliant, the products from the said companies are not permissible in the US.

This implies that you may have to be involved in the inspection of items and components before ordering equipment and accessories. The electronic and telecommunication device distributor may be having both banned as well as approved products. Examining each piece of equipment may not be necessary in case of procurement from a reliable seller or OEM.

It reveals another troublesome issue. Huawei, being the global leader in the manufacture of chipsets, has an undeniable presence in almost all telecommunication, and video surveillance devices. You might find chipsets under the brand name Hisilicon, from Huawei, in most of the devices. Ensure that the chipsets used are from approved brands including Intel, MStar and Ambarella.

Note that, even a minor component from the banned companies will prevent the usage of the complete equipment. You may connect with us to know more on this and to order NDAA compliant video surveillance and telecommunication equipment.

Norden Communication Offers NDAA Compliant Telecommunication and Video Devices

Norden communication is your trusted brand for ordering NDAA compliant CCTV cameras, video devices and telecommunication systems. By ordering from our product range, you are precluding the requirement for in-depth inspection or examination of devices for confirming that all the components meet the stipulated governmental guidelines.

All the electronic products from us use advanced chipsets, which are the brains of digital devices, and other associated components from leading brands across the globe. We avoid purchasing any accessory, component or assembly from shady OEMs and devious companies.   

Furthermore, the products from Norden offer proven quality and excellent performance throughout the period. Established in 1998 in London, we have over two decades of experience in the field. Our endeavour has been to serve the clients optimally, by delivering products of top-notch performance.

You can drop us a word or call us to know more about NDAA policy, prohibited companies, and all the data concerning the act.